Beyond BASIC offers adult life skills programming from 9:00am to 3:00pm, Monday through Friday at our Summerville building, 406 N. Gum St. and on Mondays from 8:30am to 3pm, at SeaCoast Church in Mt. Pleasant, Long Point Rd.
Summerville Location
Monday through Friday: 9am to 3pm
Mount Pleasant Location
Monday: 8:30am to 3pm
More days TBA

Adult Life Skills Offered
Home Skills
Typical tasks needed to care for a home: cleaning, laundry, washing dishes, etc.
Health Heroes
Learning nutrition and healthy, realistic, and sustainable eating strategies.
Money Skills
Handle money, count bills, and use the "Dollar Up" strategy.
Social Circle
Appropriate and meaningful communication, manners, social etiquette, asking for help and many other important social requirements.
Fine Motor Arts
Practicing fine motor skills through creative art activities like painting and pottery.
Motivation to move, remain active, and work on personal fitness goals like improving walking stamina and strengthening muscles.
Self Care
Important hygiene practices like showering, shaving, and what products to use on our bodies.
Creative Science
Hands on science experiments that encourage problem solving and attention to details.
Kitchen Skills
Improving cooking techniques and safely awareness while learning how to use kitchen utensils and appliances.
Social Events
Beyond BASIC offers social events for teens and adults most Wednesday nights. Please sign up for our Monthly Newsletter to find out more about these events! Typically at Social Events we focus on Social Skills, Fine Motor Arts, or learning something new!​
Our Method
Beyond BASIC believes that everyone has their own unique way of learning. Thus, we operate using a zone system that allows our Teammates to have their learning style met in a group setting. We modify all tasks and programming to meet each of our Teammates where they are currently and where they want to be in the future!